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国际领袖基金会(ILF)是一个非营利组织,旨在促进亚太裔美国人(APA)社区的公民意识、公众参与和经济效益。我们的使命是通过一个由商界和社区领袖组成的资源网络,并且通过让其他环太平洋国家新兴领袖了解美国在商业、教育和政策方面的观点,来培养在美国公共服务、创业和商业的国际舞台上的青年领袖。 ILF的Colorado分部于去年2018年在丹佛成立,大家一致推选双龙饭店的老板王秀云女士作为科州分部的Chairman。她向科州华人分享许多宝贵的经验,例如:如何培养华裔后代从小通过义工服务社区、在保持优秀成绩的同时积极参政,为华人权益发声等。

顾问委员会成员共16名,包括:王秀云女士(分会会长)、杨正龄女士、Linda Yip 女士、翁妙凤女士、吴纪珍女士、王秀平女士、高月里女士、Vivian Chien女士、Tina Ye女士、徐台诞先生、郑传海先生、郑品基先生、官晓鹏先生、史耀华先生、Kevin Leung先生、张世朝先生。


My internship opportunity awarded by ILF

Like many other Colorado native, I grew up learning about environmental protection during elementary school. While I cared about the environment, I was never engrossed by the subject. I had originally hoped to be placed in the US Department of Education when ILF (International Leadership Foundation) first asked about my interests. My internship at the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was purely by chance, but this accidental match sparked a summer of self-reflection and professional growth. My time at the EPA taught me to find a balance between my personal and work life. Throughout the summer, I learned to maximize my time at the internship in order to finish all my assignments. On the weekends, I would spend time with my new friends and explore the city. Most importantly, though, I slowly learned to prioritize myself and know when to say “no” to plans or friends. In addition to personal growth, my internship also challenged me professionally. Every day, I was consistently given the chance to apply my education degree in the workplace. Furthermore, my supervisors created different opportunities for me to express my opinion at the management level. This was the most difficult but rewarding aspect of my internship because it exposed me to concise, public speaking skills. As the summer progressed, I was definitely able to state my ideas and present my technology lessons better and more fluidly. Overall, I am very grateful to ILF for giving me an opportunity to intern at the EPA and for my coworkers for accepting me with open arms.




被该项目录取的的实习生将在项目完成后获得2000美元的奖学金。除了全职的联邦实习,他们还将参加每周的职业发展研讨会(professional development workshops)和领导力培训(leadership training)。而旅行、住房和生活等其他费用将由实习生自己负担。


申请者的要求包括:美国公民,最低3.0 的GPA,和本科二年级,三年级或四年级学生。申请还会需要额外的文件和申请材料。所有的材料必须在2019年12月31日前提交。


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由于透明度和卓越的管理,国际领袖基金会自2012年连续被美国联邦政府慈善活动(CFC)选入最佳慈善专业组织名录。 CFC是由雷根总统1982年颁布的“慈善筹款”第12353号行政命令,由美国联邦政府人事管理办公室设立的,目的是鼓励联邦工作人员、退休人员和政府承包商在慈善捐赠方面更加积极主动。

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美國國際領袖基金會(International Leadership Foundation-ILF) 以下簡稱本會,系全美最著名的青年領袖人才訓練機構,以提升美國亞裔地位,培育國際青年未來領袖,並結合美國政經資源,促進美國與亞太地區以及國際交流活動為宗旨的非營利性組織。

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除了个人方面的成长,这次的实习时时刻刻都挑战着我的专业。 大学知识显然派上用场,我的主管更特别指定我在主管阶层做报告。 这是最难、也是收获最大的工作项目,因为这让我充分练习简洁的公众发言技巧。 几次练习下来,我很确信我在做简报和陈述自己的思想方面更为流畅。